Finding Net Funcs (UNet, Packets, Beacon)
This isn't in a section because most of the methods work on all versions, no point of copying and pasting. By the way, all of this should work for any ue4 games.
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This isn't in a section because most of the methods work on all versions, no point of copying and pasting. By the way, all of this should work for any ue4 games.
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String to use "UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection." And your in the function.
IDA String:?Tick@UNetConnection@@UEAAXXZ
String to use "DemoFriendlyNone="
GetTransientPackage: ?GetTransientPackage@@YAPEAVUPackage@@XZ AssertIfInConstructor: ?AssertIfInConstructor@FObjectInitializer@@SAXPEAVUObject@@PEB_W@Z UDemo GetPrivateClass: ?GetPrivateStaticClass@UDemoNetConnection@@CAPEAVUClass@@XZ SCOI (StaticConstruct): ?StaticConstructObject_Internal@@YAPEAVUObject@@PEBVUClass@@PEAV1@VFName@@W4EObjectFlags@@W4EInternalObjectFlags@@1_NPEAUFObjectInstancingGraph@@5@Z AddClientConnection: ?AddClientConnection@UNetDriver@@QEAAXPEAVUNetConnection@@@Z GetOption: ?GetOption@FURL@@QEBAPEB_WPEB_W0@Z Oh! And down a little and you'll find GEngine
GEngine: ?GEngine@@3PEAVUEngine@@EA
Click X (xref aka see all references of a function/var), on AddClientConnection. Now click the first reference
IDA String: ?BeginHandshaking@PacketHandler@@QEAAXV?$TBaseDelegate@X$$V@@@Z Also, the function your in string is: ?ProcessConnectionlessPacket@UIpNetDriver@@AEAAPEAVUNetConnection@@AEAUFReceivedPacketView@@AEBUFPacketBufferView@@@Z
String to use, "Bunch channel index exceeds channel limit" And you are already in the function! IDA String: ?ReceivedPacket@UNetConnection@@QEAAXAEAUFBitReader@@@Z
String to use "PostPacketHandler" (First one) And you are already in the function! IDA String: ?Incoming_Internal@PacketHandler@@IEAA?BUProcessedPacket@@PEAEH_NAEBV?$TSharedPtr@$$CBVFInternetAddr@@$0A@@@@Z
String to use "Packet failed PacketHandler processing." And who would have guessed, your in the function lol. IDA String: ?ReceivedRawPacket@UNetConnection@@UEAAXPEAXH@Zz
String to use "BeaconSpawnUnexpectedError" And your in the function.
IDA String: ?NotifyControlMessage@AOnlineBeaconHost@@UEAAXPEAVUNetConnection@@EAEAVFInBunch@@@Z